Cut Your Chores: 5 Easy-to-Clean Design Hacks

January 2, 2018

Whatever your excuse is for skipping out on that monthly clean-up (long workweek, hectic schedule, etc) - it's alright, we understand. Housekeeping can be such a chore (hey, maybe that's why they call it that?).

Still, something's gotta give! If cleaning your home is the last thing on your mind (but you still want your space looking spick and span), then it's time to play your cards right. Reduce your cleaning time with a little smart design - these interior ideas are easy to maintain and will make a home visually 'cleaner' to boot.

Hack 1: Use Neutrals (Besides White)

Interior Designer: The Roof Studio

We all know white is a notoriously easy to stain - but when it comes to other neutrals of the darker spectrum? They work perfectly in concealing imperfections and dirt - whilst keeping your space looking classy.

Interior Designer: Nice Style Refurbishment

Airy, even and simple hues like taupe, ivory, grey and beige tend to reflect a neat and dapper style that is still very much in fashion. Plus, these colours are also incredibly easy to match with furniture, walls and drapes.

Interior Designer: M Innovative Builders

Especially in high traffic areas (that often invite messes) like your living room or kitchen, a neutral palette works best to keep eyesores like dander and marks in check. Just be sure to include hints of colour with your accents to keep it from looking overly plain or dull. Try adding an emerald accent to beige décor or yellow-coloured pieces to grey themes.

Hack 2: Contrast Open Spaces With Dark Greys and Blacks

Interior Designer: M Innovative Builders

Sometimes, it's not that your home's really disheveled and messy - it just looks like it is. This is especially so with open-concept or big spaces; there can be a sense of ‘lawlessness’ when different furniture and decor pieces are placed about.

Interior Designer: Senterior Design

One way to counter this disorderly look? Contrast light neutrals with darker hues to carve out different 'corners' in the space. These distinctive lines help to create order to your space (and reduce the look of dirt and grime). For instance, try setting a dark feature wall (in black) against medium-hued (grey or taupe) furniture and natural wooden floors.

Hack 3: Choose Sleeker Furniture

Interior Designer: Movent Signature Design

Here's a tip: Dust and dander love crevices and corners where they can gather. By reducing the number of 'corners', or pockets of unused space in your home, there's less areas for dirt to collect unnoticed; and that = less cleaning!

Interior Designer: Movent Signature Design

One way of achieving that? Get furniture in sleek, simple lines with less detailing. Mid-Century modern or Scandinavian style furniture are good examples with their clean finishes and tapered legs. Likewise, considered structured, boxy pieces - in neutral hues.

Hack 4: Opt for 'Clean' Interior Styles

Interior Designer: Surface R

In the same line as furniture, go for an overall interior look that focuses on simplicity and less knick knacks. While whimsical and gorgeous, eclectic, vintage styles that emphasise on busy, detailed pieces and tons of decorative trinkets leave room for many areas where grime can collect. Also, think of all the individual pieces you'd have to clean!

Architect: 0932 Consultants

Instead, opt for naturally simple interior themes like Scandinavian, modern and minimalist styles that stress on having less items to achieve its look. Besides being simpler to upkeep because there's less stuff, it's structured, linear styles are easier to wipe and go.

Hack 5: Have Ample Closed Storage

Interior Designer: Yong Studio

Keeping your home clean without having to tidy up often requires an effective storage plan. Open storage and exposed shelving, while more flexible, cost-effective and casual does not necessarily provide a tidy appearance.

Interior Designer: GI Design

Closed cubbies or cabinets, on the other hand, keeps floating dust about the air away - making it the visually (and physically) cleaner option of the two. For fuss-free cleaning, go for concealed storage in your built-in cabinets; and there's no reason why you shouldn’t get creative with storage too! For instance, in living rooms, do consider tiered coffee tables, storage benches or even in-built sofa storage.

An easy-clean home is just a tap away.

Need a space that'll reduce your household hassles? An experienced interior designer is able to take your needs into consideration and translate it into a stylish, low-maintenance home. Request for a free quote here, and we can match you up with 5 interior firms - based on your budget and style.

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