How To Build A Kick-Ass Home Gym

June 13, 2017

Feeling unmotivated?

When it comes to physical fitness, there's no excuse. Sick of jostling for machines at an overcrowded public gym, or absolutely lazy to step out of the house for a good sweat session? No problem - if you can't bear to go for training, why not bring the training to you?

In fact, a home gym isn't that much of a workout to set up (yes, pun intended). All you need is simply finding the right space, equipment and follow the rest of these tips below to get yourself in tip-top condition. The best part? When friends and family ask what's the secret to your trim bod, that's when you can say - "I did it by staying at home".

Step 1: Decide On The Space

Interior Designer: Latitude Design

If you think you need an ultra-huge area to get a decent work out, think again. Here's a good indicator of how much space you actually need. Stand in the middle of the room, stretch out your arms (sideways) and take two steps to the left and right of the room. If you aren’t physically touching any walls, you’re good to go. See? It doesn't take much.

Interior Designer: Third Avenue Studio (Singapore)

Even if space is a concern, it just means getting creative with what you've got. No space for those bulky arm exercise machines? Why not install pull up bars, suspension straps or floor parallel bars? Likewise, you don't need an ab machine to get a nifty 6 pack - a good yoga mat and some weights can do the trick.

Interior Designer: VOILÀ (Singapore)

Of course, if you do more aerobic workouts like dancing, do allocate yourself more space - perhaps converting an unused guest room or giving up a portion of your living space to build up a mini-studio.

Step 2: Look For Well-Ventilated Spots

Interior Designer: Innhome Design Sdn Bhd

Another important consideration when choosing a spot to set up your home gym is how well-ventilated the space is. As you work up a sweat, your body will require even more oxygen and air to cool it down. Thus, choose a well-ventilated area to set up your home gym.

Interior Designer: InD'finity Design

Don't think to hard about it. While it is best that the spot you choose should have higher ceilings, windows or wall vents, it could be as easy as allocating a small corner by your bedroom window (as long as it passes the test in step 1) or the balcony. However, if you are working with a closed-off space, your next best option would be to install an air-conditioner to help ventilate the space with fresh air.

Step 3: Choose The Right Flooring

Source: Desire To Inspire

Especially when engaging in explosive work outs (like burpees, drop-down push ups), a shock-absorbent flooring made of soft, dense materials like rubber or foam is necessary to reduce the impact on your bones or muscles. Shock and sound absorbing floor tiles can be readily bought online and plastered on top of your existing flooring. Other soft materials like carpet work too, but But if you'd like something temporary, a simple yoga mat can suffice as well.

Step 4: Get Storage Cabinets and Racks

Interior Designer: The Scientist

If your designated gym space is on the petite side, that’s all the more reason to mount sufficient storage space. Use wall-mounted racks or cabinets to save on floor space, but do make sure that they can handle the weight of your equipment and storage items. Improve the utility of this room by storing towels, workout clothes and other workout essentials, so you won't have to run back and forth your wardrobe (and lose valuable motivation).

Step 5: Light Up With LEDs and Dimmers

Interior Designer: SQFT Space Design Management

Natural light helps keep energy levels high and might even inject a slight dose of Vitamin D (when windows are opened) for those working out early in the morning. But if the space you’ve chosen isn’t privy to natural illumination, choose cool but bright white lighting with LED or compact fluorescent light bulbs for high-energy workouts. You might also want to install a dimmer switch to bring down the lighting levels for low-energy workouts such as Yoga or Pilates.

Step 6: Cancel Out Noise

Interior Designer: EDI: Essential Design Integrated

Do you work out with loud, blaring music? Then you might want to keep your neighbours and others in the home happy by sound-proofing the room.

As mentioned in step 3, you can keep noise levels on your flooring low by laying down shock absorbent gym tiles. For walls, consider installing sheetrock boards or adding mass-loaded vinyl to your walls or floors. Otherwise, you can get curtains made from dense materials like velvet or cotton, or double glazed window glass to keep sound waves from breaking out into the neighbourhood.

Read also: 6 Easy, Low-Effort Tricks To Soundproof Your Home

Nah, I like my home gyms big (and epic).

If you are not content with simply making small changes to complement your fit lifestyle, go big and considering changing your whole interiors up to incorporate a killer home gym! Simply request for a quote here, and we’ll match you with 5 interior designers, based on your budget, style and renovation needs.

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