How to Design a Bedroom To Help You Fall (and Stay) Asleep

March 30, 2018

We won't have to tell you how important getting a good night’s rest is for the mind, body and soul. Spending just one night tossing and turning without getting your 40 winks can put you in a funk (or turn you into a full-on zombie) the entire day. Likewise, suffering poor sleep quality for longer can severely affect your health (yawns).

And often, the root of most sleepless nights lie in (no pun intended) the environment we put ourselves to snooze in! If you're more of an insomniac than most, here are 7 bedroom design ideas that will help you fall (and stay) asleep better:

1. Paint your walls in dreamy hues

Interior Designer: Pocket Square

Give your room a soothing ambience by painting the walls in calming, peaceful colours like soft grey, sky blue, gentle peach or even your favourite neutrals like beige and cream. These colours have a sedating effect unlike more energetic hues e.g. orange, yellow, purple or red. Be sure to keep decorative pieces in similarly relaxing tones as well. Avoid placing colourful stimulating art work, or hanging up robust coloured drapes.

2. Ditch the TV

Interior Designer: Code Red Studio

Even if you are the type that can fall asleep in front of the TV, it’s a good idea to refrain from placing a large screen in the bedroom. The same goes for computer screens or other electronics. This is because; a TV or desktop will often keep you up later at night and is linked to disordered sleep cycles.

However, if you just can’t imagine your nights without a TV, at least consider a concealed cabinet to keep the screen out of sight and out of mind when it’s time for shuteye.

3. Keep the light out at night

Interior Designer: X Dimension Design

Do you realise that it’s harder to sleep with the lights on? Well, that’s because of body chemistry. Bright lights suppress melatonin in your system and affects the quality of sleep. Thus, it’s best to sleep in as much darkness as possible; try using blackout curtains (with a vinyl backing) if your bedroom windows receive illumination from street lights, etc.

4. Create a lounge zone

Interior Designer: Dot Works

If you have a spacious bedroom, consider carving out a separate laze space to distinctly define it from your sleep zone. You can use such a lounge area for pre-bed activities like light reading or listening to soothing music as you prepare for sleep. Place a comfy armoire or bedroom chair in a corner, outlining the space with a fluffy rug or pillows. By using your bed only to sleep, you’ll slowly train yourself to fall asleep when you get into bed.

5. Get comfy with the right bedding

Interior Designer: X Dimension Design

The right bed, mattress, blankets and pillows are indispensable when it comes to a good night’s rest! So do spend a little time picking out bedding that is most comfortable to you. Test mattresses and pillows, feel the sheets and consider just how warm your blankets need to be. If you’re a fan of super soft bedding, try synthetic fleece blankets, linen sheets and high-quality down-alternative pillows.

6. Keep cool and ventilated

Interior Designer: Klaas Design & Build

Warm, stuffy bedrooms are rarely a dream space for quality shuteye. Maintain temperate levels in your bedroom, from 22 to 25 degrees Celsius or at levels that you find comfortable. Also, do remember to air out your bedroom by leaving the windows open for about a half-hour each morning. This helps reduce odours in the room, refresh stale air, and improve oxygen levels, especially if you don’t have an air conditioner.

7. Rearrange to catch more zzz’s

Interior Designer: M Innovative Builders

The right bedroom layout can do much to improve one’s snoozing capabilities. Conversely, a poorly arranged bedroom can disturb good sleep! Start by placing your bedframe against a wall, this might help you feel more secure and anchored as you sleep. Also, do arrange furniture like drawer chests, nightstands, etc. at least 4 feet away from your bed to avoid feeling cramped or cluttered as you sleep.

Speaking of clutter, be sure to incorporate sufficient storage to keep things like your once-worn clothes, books, and other stuff stashed away neatly. Messy rooms can mess with your sleep quality, causing it to be more fitful than restful.

Design a dreamy oasis perfect for snoozing in.

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