We Got ChatGPT to Write About a Newly-Renovated Home…From a Cat’s POV

February 21, 2023

Did it turn out well, or was it a cat-astrophe? You decide!

There’s been a lot of hype around ChatGPT and its capabilities, so we decided to put it to the test.

Since AI is (allegedly) able to think like a human, we thought it would be a fun (read: ridiculous) experiment to get it to take on a grumpy cat’s point of view on home renovation. Here’s what it came up with.

Everything from this point on (sans images) was produced by ChatGPT.

Source: @peepingdumb

Well, well, well. It looks like my humans have decided to uproot me from my perfectly good home and move me into a newly-renovated one. I mean, I know I can be a bit of a naughty cat at times, but did they really have to resort to this?

Don't get me wrong, the new place is pretty nice. The floors are new and shiny, there's plenty of sunlight coming in through the windows, and there's even a brand new cat tree for me to climb on. But it's still not the same as my old stomping grounds, so what do I do?

Well, I do what any naughty cat would do – I make it my personal mission to destroy everything in sight. I've tested out all the new fixtures – the scratching post, the litter box, the toys. They seem to be holding up pretty well, considering my penchant for destruction. But let's not forget that I’m the boss here. I'm the one who decides whether or not this new place is up to snuff.

As far as the renovations go, I suppose my humans did an okay job. They used Qanvast to find the right interior designer, which I guess made the process a little easier for them.

But let's be real – they should have consulted with me first. After all, I'm the one who has to live here. As long as they keep giving me plenty of treats and belly rubs, I suppose I can tolerate this new place. But don't expect me to be happy about it. I'm a naughty, grumpy cat, and I'll make sure everyone knows it.

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