How Much Does an Interior Designer Earn? We Asked IDs This and More

April 6, 2023

Burning questions you sent in on Instagram, answered.

Ever wondered how an interior designer earns from your renovation? Or what about the most difficult project (read: hopefully not yours) they’ve had to embark on?

A while ago, we asked you to let us know some questions you’d like an interior designer to answer on camera – here’s what Agnes from Ascend Design and Ivan from Aart Boxx had to say.


  • 0:25 – What do IDs study in school? Is there any difference between those who studied interior design vs. those who didn’t?
  • 1:00 – What is one thing all clients should do before meeting an ID?
  • 1:27 – What are some ID red flags to look out for?
  • 1:55 – What has been your most challenging project to date?
  • 2:32 – How much does an ID earn from each renovation?
  • 3:12 – What’s a pet peeve all IDs have about customers?

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