7 Home Renovation Mistakes to Avoid
One of the top reasons why renovation works take longer or cost more than initially planned? Mistakes. In fact, common ones that many new homeowners are making without even realising it! Knowing how to avoid these mistakes when renovating not only helps you make the most of your time but also keeps your budget in check. More importantly, you get the dream home you’ve always wanted without any major glitches.
Here are seven common mistakes and how you can avoid them.
1. Hiring The Wrong Person For The Job
Many homeowners rush into hiring the first interior designer or contractor they speak to. Or the one that comes highly recommended by a friend only to find out that you don’t exactly share the same sentiment halfway through the renovation works.
Sure, you need a reputable interior designer or contractor to get the job done well. Which is where referrals from friends and family come in handy. But what may have worked for a friend before may not be the same for you as it all boils down to individual preferences.
To avoid from making this common mistake, be sure to conduct your interview or search early – say six months before moving date. This way, you have plenty of time to make the right decision without feeling rushed. You also give the person you eventually hire ample time to plan and execute without having to bulldoze through the works, which will leave you with an aftermath.
Interior Designer: Mega Fusion Design Studio
Location: Fahrenheit Suite
Cost of Renovation: RM170,000
2. Settling On The Lowest Price
It is tempting to settle for the cheapest quote, especially now when the cost of materials have increased. But the lowest bid doesn’t equal the best job. Some may give you a cheap quote to get the job and then cut corners or install low-quality products. Or even spring you with a surprise additional fee!
Get in at least three interior designers to have a proper look at your space. Then get their quotations and compare side by side what you are getting. Speak to friends with a similar house concept so that you have an idea of how much you will have to pay. Finally, pick the person whom you feel most comfortable with and trust – two very important factors to consider when hiring the person for the job.
Interior Designer: Green Apple Design
Location: 9 Bukit Utama
Cost of Renovation: RM210,000
3. No Proper Timeline On When To Get The Job Done
Renovation works can take anything from one month to six months – it really depends on how extensive you want the works to be! Not setting a realistic timeline is where everything goes wrong – a rushed job is never a good job.
Sit down with your interior designer and set out a specific schedule before the work starts. You should be able to see on paper exactly how your renovation is going to play out and therefore plan the right timeline for everything. Be flexible as chances are there may be some delays here and there – the leeway will give you time to get back on track.
Interior Designer: Mega Fusion Design Studio
Location: Deep Living @ Sungai Besi
Cost of Renovation: RM250,000
4. Underestimating Your Renovation Costs
Perhaps the most common mistake – not setting a realistic budget! And this will definitely cost you if you are way, way below your actual mark. Set aside your renovation budget and work with that. Be sure to include a buffer just in case. Ideally, you should increase your budget by 20 percent, which will give you room to play around with in case anything props up.
Take into consideration that the bigger the floor plan, the more expensive it will be. Also, certain renovation works cost more – like the kitchen, cabinets and carpentry.
A good place to start? Check out websites that have information on budget breakdowns according to home size and styles. Qanvast features real-life homes with actual renovation costs from interior designers. You can easily pick out one that is similar to what you are after for a better idea of how much you need to spend.
Interior Designer: Pocket Square
Location: The Capers
Cost of Renovation: RM105,000
5. Not Having A Proper Design/Concept Laid Out
Going blindly into your renovation works without any design or concept laid out? Bad move there. Winging it is something you really don’t want to do when it comes to your renovation works. Having a proper theme or concept or design laid out will give you a better idea of what’s needed and what’s not. Besides, you want your home to be an extension of your personality.
To properly plan this, your interior designer should be able to provide you with an impression of what the final project looks like. Go through inspirations from websites like Qanvast to get ideas that you can personalise for your home.
Interior Designer: Quest Designs
Location: The Pearl @ KLCC
Cost of Renovation: RM460,000
6. Changing Your Mind - A Lot
Props to you for getting a specific design down. No go if you are constantly changing your mind! Not only does this push your completion date back, it will also cost you a lot of money to change from A to B to C and back to A. Now, that’s money that really doesn’t have to be spent.
Once your renovation works have started, try your best to stick with your plans. Do a walkthrough with your interior designer or contractor before work starts so that everyone is on the same page – and there won’t be any surprises.
Stick to your guns too. A lot of people get persuaded by their contractor, interior designer, family member or friends to change something only to regret it.
Interior Designer: Team BJ
Location: Berinda Lakeside
Cost of Renovation: RM320,000
7. Rushing Into Your Project
We get it – you want to move in ASAP to your home, who doesn’t! But for the sake of a smooth renovation, don’t rush things. It usually ends up in shoddy work, which will cost you a lot to repair.
Again, set a realistic timeline and detailed plan of what happens when, what needs to be done, who does what. Start planning early – get ideas and inspiration a year before you move in, visit exhibitions or shows to get an idea of how much things cost, speak to a few interior designers or contractors six months prior... giving yourself plenty of time to plan and getting the job done will give you the result you want – a home sweet home.
Interior Designer: Hoe & Yin Design Studio
Location: Tropicana Grande
What are some renovation mistakes you think homeowners can avoid? Share with us below!
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