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946 Design Sdn. Bhd.

No.51, Jalan Badik 16, Taman Puteri Wangsa, Ulu Tiram, Johor Bahru

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Personalised Firm Recommendations


Based on reviews left by homeowners
Professionalism5 / 5
Workmanship5 / 5
Project Management5 / 5
Design5 / 5


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About 946 Design Sdn. Bhd.

Showrooms (1)

Frequently Asked Questions

What are 946 Design Sdn. Bhd.'s reviews like?

Based on 2 reviews left for 946 Design Sdn. Bhd., the firm achieved an average rating of 5.00. Read homeowners’ reviews of 946 Design Sdn. Bhd..

Where is 946 Design Sdn. Bhd.'s showroom?

946 Design Sdn. Bhd. has 1 showroom in Malaysia. See 946 Design Sdn. Bhd.'s showroom address.

Is 946 Design Sdn. Bhd. popular among homeowners?

2 homeowners have recently enquired with 946 Design Sdn. Bhd. for their upcoming renovation project. Enquire with 946 Design Sdn. Bhd..

What is the average renovation cost on the projects completed by 946 Design Sdn. Bhd.?

The average renovation costs of projects completed by 946 Design Sdn. Bhd. (in the past year) is RM83,925 for Condo.

Submit an enquiry
This firm has a minimum budget requirement of RM80,000.

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