11-2, jalan USJ 10/1G, Taipan Bunisess Center, 47620 Subang Jaya, Selangor.
Our Services are including interior design consultancy, design and construct, interior decorating idea and also custom design built in furniture with style and suits your living habits. For giving our clients to understand the designs without any doubts, we produce sketches and 3d visuals of the design proposals to show and present to our clients.
Based on 12 reviews left for The Roof Studio, the firm achieved an average rating of 5.00. Read homeowners’ reviews of The Roof Studio.
The Roof Studio has 1 showroom in Malaysia. See The Roof Studio's showroom address.
16 homeowners have recently enquired with The Roof Studio for their upcoming renovation project. Enquire with The Roof Studio.
Yes, based on the reviews left by our community of homeowners who reviewed on our platform, The Roof Studio was accredited the Supertrust badge in 2025.
The Supertrust badge is awarded based on a couple of factors, such as the number of projects the firm has closed (i.e. homeowners can trust them with renovation projects), ranked within the top 15% firms, and garnered at least 10 positive verified reviews in that year.
It’s safe to say that these firms are approved by homeowners, like you!
The average renovation costs of projects completed by The Roof Studio (in the past year) is RM0 for Condo.