3 Key Considerations Before You Upgrade To A Smart Home
All-ready to jump on the bandwagon to transform your home into a smart one? Before you do, there are a couple of things you need to consider to ensure a smooth transition. Read on to explore the realm of home automation!
1. Assess Your Needs
Upgrading your home to a techno haven is a form of change which would require you to think carefully on what your important needs are. First, ask yourself which home automation product would make the most positive impact on your life and help you the most in your daily tasks.
For instance, if you are speaking about an elderly couple, topping their priority list will be safety. As their eyesight and hearing may be less clear, enhanced alarms on doors, doorbells, smoke detectors, and appliances will prove to be helpful to them and allow them to react in time to emergency situations.
Interior designer: Space Matrix
Another example would be working adults with young children. Their priority will be ensuring their children’s safety while they are not at home. For these families, smart locks, monitored home security devices and motion sensors would be ideal. This will allow parents to ensure their home is locked, keep an eye on their children while at work and be alerted if they are in trouble.
When you can clearly identify your crucial needs, it will make it much easier to select the most important home automation product(s) to buy first.
Interior designer: M Innovative Builders
2. Integration of Smart Home Products
Automated home products are without argument, aesthetically pleasing and very interesting. From the popular voice-controlled Amazon Echo that looks chic as ever, to futuristic-looking thermostats, the temptation to buy these gadgets based on their appearance is overwhelming. The issue with these stand-alone gadgets is that they each require their own particular app and have varied nuances that will take time to learn. This might work if it is one or two products, but if you wish to install multiple home automation devices, you might end up having more to do rather than less.
Integrated home automation systems such as BeHome 247, Z-Wave and Insteon use a central control by connecting all of your home automation products. Forget about searching for your manuals or trying to remember how to operate the various products!
Interior designer: Space Matrix
3. Consider Your Access To Power Outlets Around Your Home
Some smart home devices are powered by battery while many are not. This means you will have to figure out how and where to plug all of these devices in, and how to prevent the various power cords from making your home messy.
If you are moving into a new home or considering a renovation, it will be best for you to communicate with your interior designer to decide on the electrical wiring and cable management. One way will be to install power outlets in inconspicuous locations and invest in power outlets that feature USB ports. This will go a long way towards preventing unruly cables and keeping your home neat and pleasant.
Interior designer: Moonlit Inspiration
Making your home smart is certainly an invigorating journey. Use the ideas listed above to help you transit into a techno haven as smooth as possible!
Automate your home with goSmart
Looking to equip your home with smart home solutions? Contact goSmart Distributor, Sean Lee, at 6016-212 8118 or email to seanlee@gosmart.com.my to schedule an appointment. The goSmart showroom is located at the Walnut Café in Bandar Puteri, Puchong.Meet interior designers. Get quotes. Based on your requirements, we will recommend you up to 5 firms with the Qanvast Guarantee. Get Free Quotes