Call it caring for the environment or simply wanting to cut utility bills, Singaporeans are always on the lookout for new ways to save water. Make every drop count – in line with Singapore World Water Day 2018, our national water agency, PUB shares 5 easy-to-do, water saving tricks that’ll help you save up to 140 litres of water a day.
Even better? Rewards await those who manage to pull it off! So, let’s get started:
1. Take shorter showers
Interior Designer: T&T Design Artisan
Sounds like a stretch? Not really. If you’re doing the basic routine of shampooing and soaping (during which you’d most likely turn the tap off), a shower wouldn’t need to last more than 5 minutes. Sure, it takes the fun and relaxation out of a good cleanse (or bathroom karaoke session), but these quick showers can potentially save 45 litres* a day on water. Being practical pays off!
*Based on a 10-minute shower on a WELS 1-tick shower head (9l/min)
Interior Designer: Butler Interior
Take it one step further: Install water efficient shower heads (with 2 to 3 WELS ticks) for additional savings. Alternatively, place a bucket by your side whilst bathing to catch used water to use for flushing toilets.
2. Replace the tap with a mug when brushing your teeth
Interior Designer: Schemacraft
Here’s a fact – we waste almost 12 litres of water* every time we brush our teeth. Wonder where did all that water go if you aren’t gargling it in your mouth? Down the drain while you’re busy scrubbing away with the tap on. Truth be told, a mug of water (about 0.5 litres) is all you probably need to get the job done: a little for wetting the toothbrush, two gulps for gargling and swishing, and a little more for washing the brush. There you have it – you just saved another 11.5 litres.
*Based on a 2-minute flow on a WELS 1-tick basin tap (6L/min)
3. Remember to choose the right toilet flush
Interior Designer: Inzz Studio
Sure, nature’s call can be urgent sometimes, but do make it a point to press the right button – a full flush for bigger business, half for small. Just by doing that, you can save about 3 litres per person a day*.
*Based on 2 full flushes and 2 half flushes on a WELS 1-tick toilet cistern
4. Wash your vegetables and dishes in a filled container
Interior Designer: Habit
The same logic for brushing your teeth applies to washing the dishes and vegetables too. You don’t need a running tap for cleaning. Fill up a container with water, and use that to wash dirty dishes in one go after soaping. Compared to 40 litres* used when washing dishes under an open tap for 5 minutes, a filled container only takes up to 12 litres – effectively helping you save up to 28 litres of water each time!
*Based on a 5-minute flow on a WELS 1-tick sink tap (8L/min)
5. Do a full load of laundry, on a 4-tick washing machine
Interior Designer: Prozfile
Accountable for a huge chunk of our daily water consumption, a water-efficient washing machine can make all the difference in bringing big savings. A 4-tick washer model uses less than 6 litres/kg of laundry, half of that of a typical machine! By opting for a more water-saving model, you can stand to save up to 50 litres of water each time, depending on the load capacity. And as a rule of thumb, washing by the full load will make the most of each washing cycle.
Interior Designer: Aart Boxx Interior
Take it one step further: This might be too icky for the clean freaks, but if your clothes are relatively clean, make it a point to wear them (especially items like jeans or outerwear) a couple more times before putting it into the washer. Reduce your laundry days by reusing your wardrobe!
Be rewarded when you make these water-saving changes!
What’s even better than saving on bills (and the environment)? Getting rewarded for simply doing so!
Starting from 1 March 2018, head down to any of PUB’s Singapore World Water Day (SWWD) roadshows to make a commitment to saving water. Simply pledge to do any of the 5 water-saving hacks listed to receive a free gift!
Already saving water?
It’s time to let the fruits of your labour shine! Bring along your latest water bill – if it shows a drop below the national average of 148 litres of water consumption per capita or simply a reduction in water consumption from the previous month, you’ll stand to receive an exclusive goodie at the roadshow as well.
Check out the roadshow schedule at:
This article is brought to you in collaboration with PUB.