101 Lorong 23 Geylang #01-01 Prosper House Singapore 388399
Property Type | Projects | Average Cost (New) | Average Cost (Resale) | |
HDB | 13 | S$70,833.33 | S$90,485.71 | |
4-Room | 6 | S$57,000.00 | S$88,333.33 | |
5-Room | 7 | S$84,666.67 | S$92,100.00 | |
Condo | 3 | S$31,500.00 | S$79,000.00 | |
2 Bedrooms | 1 | S$41,000.00 | - | |
3 Bedrooms | 2 | S$22,000.00 | S$79,000.00 | |
The information is based on the projects we received in the past year and may not represent the firm's full portfolio and capability. |
ETHICAL - Understanding that home owner’s interest takes precedence and serving client appropriately with sincerity. Treat customers fairly by advising responsibly based on client’s situations and requests. PROFESSIONAL - We aspire to be a one stop solution and knowledge center for our clients, taking pride in our work and engage our clients in a timely manner to warrant satisfaction to our utmost ability. Operating with precision is critical in our line of work such that our clients are always assured that the experience with us is certainly enjoyable and delivered in a timely manner. INNOVATION - Ability to adapt to situations to keep up with new ideas in the dynamic evolution of design ideas and developments. The need for commitment and enthusiasm for learning new skills and techniques. COMMUNICATION - Effective communication skills are fundamental and is a two-way process. Good communication skills involve both active listening and speaking up. We would like to hear your concerns and work closely together with you on your exciting renovation journey.
Based on 152 reviews left for Renologist, the firm achieved an average rating of 4.85. Read homeowners’ reviews of Renologist.
Renologist has 1 showroom in Singapore. See Renologist's showroom address.
Yes, Renologist is an HDB-registered firm and is under the Casetrust Renovation Business scheme. For more information, refer to this page on the Casetrust accreditation scheme.
106 homeowners have recently enquired with Renologist for their upcoming renovation project. Enquire with Renologist.
Yes, based on the reviews left by our community of homeowners who reviewed on our platform, Renologist was accredited the Supertrust badge in 2024.
The Supertrust badge is awarded based on a couple of factors, such as the number of projects the firm has closed (i.e. homeowners can trust them with renovation projects), ranked within the top 15% firms, and garnered at least 10 positive verified reviews in that year.
It’s safe to say that these firms are approved by homeowners, like you!
The average renovation costs of projects completed by Renologist (in the past year) are S$81,415 for HDB and S$47,333 for Condo.