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A Blue Cube Design (ABCD)

184 East Coast Road, Singapore 428890

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Based on reviews left by homeowners
Professionalism5 / 5
Workmanship4.9 / 5
Project Management5 / 5
Design5 / 5


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About A Blue Cube Design (ABCD)

A Blue Cube Design (ABCD) was founded in 2020 by experienced and passionate interior designers who have helped create many dream homes for their clients in the past decade. Together with a team of designers and artisans, ABCD’s main mission is to make your home a work of living art. Like our name, we believe that good interior design begins with a solid foundation — ABCD. ‘A’ – The Homeowner At ABCD, our priority is you: the homeowner. We want to realise your dreams of owning not just a house, but also a home that you can be proud to call a work of art. Our friendly consultants will get to know you and your lifestyle, so we can create a design that speaks to you and the way you live. ‘B’ – The Designer Our team of designers are highly skilled and experienced. We specialise in a wide range of interior designs including contemporary, modern, industrial, minimalist, and more. No design is too challenging for us to conceive, and we will translate the home of your dreams into one that you can comfortably live in. ‘C’ – The Artisan Working hand in hand with our designers are a team of highly skilled artisans that will bring your designs to life. Our artisans come with years of experience in building materials, exquisite finishing, and only the best quality of products to ensure that your home is built to last. ‘D’ – Our Exquisite User Experience Communicating your dreams does not need to be challenging. Here at ABCD, we want to assure you that the journey to creating your new home will be an exciting one. Arrange for a consultation with ABCD today and go home to a beautiful house tomorrow.

Showrooms (1)

Frequently Asked Questions

What are A Blue Cube Design (ABCD)'s reviews like?

Based on 14 reviews left for A Blue Cube Design (ABCD), the firm achieved an average rating of 4.96. Read homeowners’ reviews of A Blue Cube Design (ABCD).

Where is A Blue Cube Design (ABCD)'s showroom?

A Blue Cube Design (ABCD) has 1 showroom in Singapore. See A Blue Cube Design (ABCD)'s showroom address.

Is A Blue Cube Design (ABCD) an HDB-registered or a Casetrust-accredited firm?

A Blue Cube Design (ABCD) is currently an HDB-registered firm. It is however not recognised under the Casetrust Renovation Business scheme.

If you would like additional assurance on the firm’s reliability, you may want to opt in for the Qanvast Guarantee, a free initiative to safeguard your renovation deposits when you engage an interior firm through our platform.

Is A Blue Cube Design (ABCD) popular among homeowners?

10 homeowners have recently enquired with A Blue Cube Design (ABCD) for their upcoming renovation project. Enquire with A Blue Cube Design (ABCD).

10 people enquired recently
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This firm has a minimum budget requirement of S$40,000.

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