37 Jalan Pemimpin, MAPEX, #01-16 Singapore 577177
Property Type | Projects | Average Cost (New) | Average Cost (Resale) | |
HDB | 14 | S$58,181.82 | S$129,166.67 | |
3-Room | 1 | S$42,900.00 | - | |
4-Room | 8 | S$57,375.00 | - | |
5-Room | 5 | S$69,050.00 | S$129,166.67 | |
Condo | 11 | S$41,925.00 | S$84,057.14 | |
2 Bedrooms | 2 | - | S$85,200.00 | |
3 Bedrooms | 9 | S$41,925.00 | S$83,600.00 | |
The information is based on the projects we received in the past year and may not represent the firm's full portfolio and capability. |
Charlotte’s Carpentry is a vision conceived by brother-sister duo, James Lim and Wendy Lim, to provide home furnishing solutions for home owners. Armed with 8 years of industry experience in interior design and carpentry, Charlotte’s bespoke design services will turn your dream home into a reality. Carpentry is an important part of renovation works and this is where Charlotte’s Carpentry really shines. Charlotte’s Carpentry is one of the industry's leading companies and together with its exclusive partners, Charlotte’s Carpentry offers high quality carpentry works without breaking the bank. Charlotte’s Carpentry also provide a wide range of interior design services like design consultation, budget planning, space planning, perspective drawing, 3D drawing and project management. Talk to our experienced designers and you will know you’re in good hands.
Home to a family of four, this old home now has more storage space as well as its own gym!
With the myriad of colours present, this vibrant home in Tampines will definitely catch your eye.
See how Charlotte Carpentry’s James Lim turned his 4-room HDB home into a stylish retreat by using a modern blue green palette and classic accents.
Having kids didn’t just change this couple’s lives, it also influenced how they approached the renovation of their new 5-room HDB family home at Yishun.
Based on 370 reviews left for Charlotte's Carpentry, the firm achieved an average rating of 4.79. Read homeowners’ reviews of Charlotte's Carpentry.
Charlotte's Carpentry has 1 showroom in Singapore. See Charlotte's Carpentry's showroom address.
Charlotte's Carpentry is currently an HDB-registered firm. It is however not recognised under the Casetrust Renovation Business scheme.
If you would like additional assurance on the firm’s reliability, you may want to opt in for the Qanvast Guarantee, a free initiative to safeguard your renovation deposits when you engage an interior firm through our platform.
274 homeowners have recently enquired with Charlotte's Carpentry for their upcoming renovation project. Enquire with Charlotte's Carpentry.
Yes, based on the reviews left by our community of homeowners who reviewed on our platform, Charlotte's Carpentry was accredited the Supertrust badge from 2018 to 2025.
The Supertrust badge is awarded based on a couple of factors, such as the number of projects the firm has closed (i.e. homeowners can trust them with renovation projects), ranked within the top 15% firms, and garnered at least 10 positive verified reviews in that year.
It’s safe to say that these firms are approved by homeowners, like you!
The average renovation costs of projects completed by Charlotte's Carpentry (in the past year) are S$73,393 for HDB and S$68,736 for Condo.