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Light Fixture

Browse through local design ideas for Light Fixture and save them to your boards for easy sharing and planning.

337 images
Punggol Drive, Cozy Ideas, Modern, Living Room, HDB, Chair, Furniture, Light Fixture, Dining Room, Indoors, Interior Design, Room, Lighting
Bishan Street 22, The Design Practice, Modern, Living Room, HDB, Couch, Furniture, Light Fixture
Grand Duchess, Fuse Concept, Contemporary, Dining Room, Condo, Chair, Furniture, Light Fixture, Indoors, Interior Design, Room, Door, Sliding Door, Shelf, Dining Table, Table
Grand Duchess, Fuse Concept, Contemporary, Kitchen, Condo, Light Fixture, Dining Room, Indoors, Interior Design, Room, Chair, Furniture, Dining Table, Table, Bookcase, Flooring
Grand Duchess, Fuse Concept, Contemporary, Bedroom, Condo, Light Fixture
Bluwaters 2, Schemacraft, Contemporary, Living Room, Condo, Stairs, Staircase, Recessed Shelf, Downlight, Penthouse, Maisonette, Banister, Handrail, Light Fixture, Dining Table, Furniture, Table, Hardwood, Wood
Park Grove, Schemacraft, Eclectic, Living Room, HDB, Flora, Jar, Plant, Potted Plant, Pottery, Vase, Indoors, Interior Design, Dining Room, Room, Furniture, Light Fixture
Park Grove, Schemacraft, Eclectic, Living Room, HDB, Light Fixture, Curtain, Home Decor, Window, Window Shade, Dining Room, Indoors, Interior Design, Room, Chair, Furniture, Flora, Jar, Plant, Potted Plant, Pottery, Vase
Simei Street 2, Anhans Interior Design, Contemporary, Kitchen, HDB, Light Fixture, Chair, Furniture, Indoors, Interior Design
Clementi Avenue 4, Authors • Interior & Styling, Modern, Dining Room, HDB, Light Fixture, Indoors, Interior Design, Room
Bellewaters, Carpenters 匠, Modern, Minimalist, Living Room, Condo, Light Fixture, Dining Table, Furniture, Table, HDB, Building, Housing, Indoors, Loft, Couch
Bellewaters, Carpenters 匠, Modern, Minimalist, Living Room, Condo, Couch, Furniture, Light Fixture, Flooring, Indoors, Interior Design, Dining Room, Room
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