33 Ubi Ave 3, #07-35, Vertex Tower B, Singapore 408868
Design of SCHATZ is a well-established interior design consultancy that provides stunning design concepts for both commercial as well as residential properties. Specialising in purposeful design and careful construction, we have created unique interiors for different clients spanning a variety of different industries and homes. We create innovative and inspiring interiors by putting empathy and heart at the center of our designs. Integrating sustainability and aesthetics, we pride ourselves on our beautifully crafted interiors.
Based on 14 reviews left for Design of SCHATZ, the firm achieved an average rating of 4.61. Read homeowners’ reviews of Design of SCHATZ.
Design of SCHATZ has 1 showroom in Singapore. See Design of SCHATZ's showroom address.
Design of SCHATZ is currently not an HDB-registered firm. They do however work with sub-contractors licensed by HDB. You may want to check with the interior firm for more information.
It is also not recognised under the Casetrust Renovation Business scheme.
If you would like additional assurance on the firm’s reliability, you may want to opt in for the Qanvast Guarantee, a free initiative to safeguard your renovation deposits when you engage an interior firm through our platform.