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Metier Planner

3 Temasek Avenue, Centennial Tower, Level 18, #18-01, Singapore 039190

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Based on reviews left by homeowners
Professionalism5 / 5
Workmanship4.9 / 5
Project Management4.9 / 5
Design4.9 / 5


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About Metier Planner

Moving forward from carpentry with more than two decades of experience to an Interior Design Studio, Metier Planner Pte Ltd. We are a boutique set up, covering all areas of Interior Design. ​ With years of interior design and renovation experience, our highly dedicated designers in Metier Planner strive to provide clients with one-stop professional solution to both residential and commercial projects, be it in space planning, interior styling or decoration. ​ Specialising in carpentry and interior design works with our in-house carpenter, we strive to create different and unique designs in every project. In Metier Planner, we take great pride in listening and understanding our clients' needs, then creating your dreams into reality, making it practical, functional and a place you call, Home.

Showrooms (1)

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Metier Planner's reviews like?

Based on 32 reviews left for Metier Planner, the firm achieved an average rating of 4.92. Read homeowners’ reviews of Metier Planner.

Where is Metier Planner's showroom?

Metier Planner has 1 showroom in Singapore. See Metier Planner's showroom address.

Is Metier Planner an HDB-registered or a Casetrust-accredited firm?

Metier Planner is currently not an HDB-registered firm. They do however work with sub-contractors licensed by HDB. You may want to check with the interior firm for more information.

It is also not recognised under the Casetrust Renovation Business scheme.

If you would like additional assurance on the firm’s reliability, you may want to opt in for the Qanvast Guarantee, a free initiative to safeguard your renovation deposits when you engage an interior firm through our platform.

Is Metier Planner popular among homeowners?

1 homeowners have recently enquired with Metier Planner for their upcoming renovation project. Enquire with Metier Planner.

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