10 Upper Aljunied Link #03-09 Singapore 367904
In addition to our online range of designer furniture, Posh Home offer state of the art interior design services for both commercial and residential properties throughout Singapore. Our talented designers will work closely with you to create stunning living and working spaces which are perfectly tailored to your lifestyle or brand. Posh Home’s interiors incorporate many pieces of our comfort design furniture to create modern interiors which are simultaneously functional and aesthetically striking.
Based on 108 reviews left for Posh Home, the firm achieved an average rating of 4.52. Read homeowners’ reviews of Posh Home.
Posh Home has 1 showroom in Singapore. See Posh Home's showroom address.
Yes, Posh Home is an HDB-registered firm and is under the Casetrust Renovation Business scheme. For more information, refer to this page on the Casetrust accreditation scheme.
2 homeowners have recently enquired with Posh Home for their upcoming renovation project. Enquire with Posh Home.
Yes, based on the reviews left by our community of homeowners who reviewed on our platform, Posh Home was accredited the Supertrust badge in 2021.
The Supertrust badge is awarded based on a couple of factors, such as the number of projects the firm has closed (i.e. homeowners can trust them with renovation projects), ranked within the top 15% firms, and garnered at least 10 positive verified reviews in that year.
It’s safe to say that these firms are approved by homeowners, like you!