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7 Gambas Crescent #01-03 Ark@Gambas Singapore 757087

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Based on reviews left by homeowners
Professionalism4.8 / 5
Workmanship4.6 / 5
Project Management4.6 / 5
Design4.7 / 5
Qanvast Awards
Based on homeowners’ reviews left on Qanvast.
5-star Reviews
30 Reviews


Property TypeProjectsAverage Cost (New)Average Cost (Resale)
2 Bedrooms
3 Bedrooms
The information is based on the projects we received in the past year and may not represent the firm's full portfolio and capability.


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About Todz’Terior

We believe good space planning and design contribute to the overall energy a space emits. We believe spaces are not passive bystanders, but rather an active environment that provides users better quality of life and experience. TodzTerior is a professional and creative interior design firm in Singapore, which is reputed for its excellence in interior dressing and build. Being more than just an interior house, we are your home stylist. We innovate through the role of space, materials, colour, texture, light, shade, furniture and even soft furnishing. We are here to ensure you with quality, reliability and professional ‘before and after’ service. No matter the size of your attend you can be assured that we will attend to it with the same attention you would bestow on it. Our polite experience and knowledgeable designers will ensure that your desires are understood and acted upon. We are able to tailor a design to suit your needs and requirements.

Showrooms (1)

Frequently Asked Questions

What are Todz’Terior's reviews like?

Based on 64 reviews left for Todz’Terior, the firm achieved an average rating of 4.70. Read homeowners’ reviews of Todz’Terior.

Where is Todz’Terior's showroom?

Todz’Terior has 1 showroom in Singapore. See Todz’Terior's showroom address.

Is Todz’Terior an HDB-registered or a Casetrust-accredited firm?

Yes, Todz’Terior is an HDB-registered firm and is under the Casetrust Renovation Business scheme. For more information, refer to this page on the Casetrust accreditation scheme.

Is Todz’Terior popular among homeowners?

5 homeowners have recently enquired with Todz’Terior for their upcoming renovation project. Enquire with Todz’Terior.

What is the average renovation cost on the projects completed by Todz’Terior?

The average renovation costs of projects completed by Todz’Terior (in the past year) are S$74,725 for HDB and S$26,500 for Condo.

Todz’TeriorTemporary Unavailable
Unable to take on new projects at this moment.
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