21 Woodlands Close, #02-36 PRIMZ BIZHUB, S(737854)
ATAZ HAUS firmly believes that it is in giving that we receive, where it forms a win-win relation with all our clients and friends. Therefore, we ensure that clients receive the best. We are a dedicated team of interior designers inspired to innovate, connect and transform our clients’ ideas into reality. ATAZ HAUS was established when founder, Ryan decided to set foot in the industry with a vision to provide top notch and holistic interior design service to value-add clients. We at ATAZ HAUS believe in educating our clients so that informed choices are made in the process of realizing their dream designs. Our determination to live up to our vision has shaped us to become who we are today - an esteemed and recognized interior design firm who is honest, reliable and responsible.
Based on 101 reviews left for Ataz Haus Interior Design, the firm achieved an average rating of 4.91. Read homeowners’ reviews of Ataz Haus Interior Design.
Ataz Haus Interior Design has 1 showroom in Singapore. See Ataz Haus Interior Design's showroom address.
Ataz Haus Interior Design is currently not an HDB-registered firm. They do however work with sub-contractors licensed by HDB. You may want to check with the interior firm for more information.
The firm is also accredited under the Casetrust Renovation Business scheme. For more information, refer to this page on the Casetrust accreditation scheme.
1 homeowners have recently enquired with Ataz Haus Interior Design for their upcoming renovation project. Enquire with Ataz Haus Interior Design.