No. 441 Macpherson Road, Singapore 368152
We see every client as a partner in creative excellence. We listen to their needs, pay very close attention to his or her approach to life and interpret that through our work. We see each project as a work of art which deserves our utmost attention and effort. In addition to this our ability to offer innovative approaches from a holistic perspective helps us gain the confidence of our client. Our ability to see our work through from design concept to construction gives our clients confidence in engaging us. We transform spaces through our two planes approach. This approach allows us to see the possibilities within a space by focusing on two critical planes. The results of phenomenal and have transformed ordinary spaces into new experiences.
Based on 55 reviews left for Icon Interior Design, the firm achieved an average rating of 4.63. Read homeowners’ reviews of Icon Interior Design.
Icon Interior Design has 1 showroom in Singapore. See Icon Interior Design's showroom address.
Icon Interior Design is currently an HDB-registered firm. It is however not recognised under the Casetrust Renovation Business scheme.
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10 homeowners have recently enquired with Icon Interior Design for their upcoming renovation project. Enquire with Icon Interior Design.